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  • Writer's pictureSoumik Agasti

Every Nut Needs A Bolt: 3 best reasons to choose mechnical engg.

Updated: Oct 14, 2020


Engg. is a valued trade because it isn't everyone's cup of tea. Mechanical engineers earn good salary-well above the national average. It requires the ability to perform complex computations quickly, grasp the forces working on 3d structures, take responsibility for the saftey of others and compromsing on a wild social life. Mechanical engineering is a creative profession, with an emphasis on designing, simulating and improving the world with varied practical applications and implications. Mechanical engineers are versatile, and frequently take on interdisciplinary projects which overlaps with electrical, chemical and civil engineering.

It is the art of mechanical and aeronautical engineers that build so powerful airplanes. It is the mind of mechanical engineer that goes into your air conditioner and fridge. You eat and enjoy all day in a room and keep programming but mechanical, electrical and civil engineers swept it out in the heat to make things comfy for you. Everything of everyday has a contribution of mechanical engineers.

Reason 1: Evergreen Branch

There is a demand for mechanical engineers all over the world. If complex situation are ayour cup of tea, you may not be drwan to any other discipline that is focused on small set skills.A mechanical engineer is needed in almost every country worldwide, including the Americas, Asia and Europe. This is because engineering projects can be located all over the world, requiring you to meet customers and conduct investigative fieldwork as part of your responsibilities.

Reason 2: You will become a jack and master of all trades.

Let’s forget about careers and money for a moment. Mechanical engineering will help you to become a multi-talented person. While pursuing this degree, you will be able to develop your knowledge in a wide variety of fields, including Chemistry, Physics, English Language, structures, electricity and computer applications. Furthermore, you will develop an in-depth understanding of the economic, social and environmental aspects of engineering. Thus, you will not only become an expert in your core subject, but you will also build your knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.

Reason 3: You will be presented with aplethora of opportunities.

There is a demand for mechanical engineers all over the world. Therefore, if you are an adventurous type with an interest in Mathematics, Physics and complex computations, take a plunge into mechanical engineering. This rewarding career will not restrict you to your country, but will give you opportunities to travel to another country of your choice. 

About The Author

Soumik Agasti

An aspiring digital marketer helping young digital marketing enthusiasts to fascinate them especially in blogging.

Hey folks! found that these were the three best reasons to choose mechanical engineering

Now I throw it over to you. What do you think about a career in mechanical engineering. Please comment about it below.

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